Colebrook Junior School

Working Together to achieve Success

Towcester Road, Swindon,
Wiltshire SN3 4AS

01793 823 057

Morfa Bay Thursday

Wow! The final full day of activities and it was a good one. Group Ginst were at the beach most of the day with Mr Morris. We had a rocky shore beach study followed by an awesome time in the sea. The weather was perfect, just the right temperature, the sea was warm and the waves were rolling in!


Group Caldey scaled the high ropes and climbing courses and then had an excellent caving session. A number of children were nervous about the final activity but in true Colebrook style, it didn't hold them back one bit and all children explored the 3 chambers on offer and crawled through the tight spaces with a glint of determination in their eye (or so I'm told, even though it was total darkness! )


Group Amroth, also enjoyed finding creatures during the rocky shore studies with one group finding a particulary good specimen of Hermit Crab, it was the largest the instructor had seen on that particular beach.

Tonight the children enjoyed a BBQ outside as the weather has been just stunning. Some children had clearly burned off a lot of energy as they had seconds and thirds!

Now is the moment the children have been waiting for all evening, The Morfa Bay Disco! The girls are glammed up, the boys are glammed up, the teachers are standing around shellshocked as the beats fill the air, well most teachers but not Mr Booth-Howe who was last seen positioned in the DJ box!

Tomorrow will see us tidy up the rooms and have a final room inspection. Currently the scores stand as follows:

Boys: 16.5

Girls: 18

But tomorrow is double points day, so the title of 'tidiest dorm' is anyones for the taking!

Morfa Bay Quote of the Day:

At the begining of an archery session, Miss Dinsdale asked a Colebrook boy if they were ready to begin, to which she got the following reply:


"No, not yet, I have to go and put my hairspray on!"


Hairstyle is clearly crucial when firing arrows. Maybe that's where Mr Morris went wrong when beaten by Miss Voaden last year!


Morning Update

The big clean up has begun! The boys are furiously packing and have even requested a broom to sweep the floor. They clearly are determined to claw back the lost points from Tuesday morning in a bid to beat the girls.

I have to say that the girls, although having a more consistently tidy room, are struggling with the packing this morning. More than one girl has been forced to sit on her suitcase in a desperate bid to close it!

The weather has finally turned on us on our last day. The rains came down around 4.30am and we have woken up to a misty wet Wales. See the photos below.


After breakfast the children will finish packing and tidying before the final room inspections. The Morfa Bay shop will be opened for us at 9a.m. and then we have the presentation ceremony hosted by the Morfa Bay staff, who will present prizes to the fastest orienteering teams, assualt course teams and highest scoring boy and girl archers.

I will phone the office on the way home when we reach the Severn Bridge, so they should be able to update you on our progress.

Be prepared for some tired children!

They have really represented the school well and we feel incredibly proud of them.