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Welcome to our school. I consider it to be a privilege to be Head teacher of Colebrook Junior School. As a school we are a community which values all its members; pupils, parents, teachers, support staff and governors, we make every effort to work as a team. This is reflected in our vision statement...


'Working together to achieve success'


Children are at the very heart of everything we do and although academic performance is very important, we believe that pupils should enjoy their time at school and achieve across every aspect of  the primary curriculum. Everyone works hard to provide a welcoming, happy and safe environment within which pupils have access to a variety of learning experiences. We aim to enthuse in all children a love of learning as well as respect and care for each other.

There is a warm and welcoming family feel to the school which is an important part of its identity and it is vital that this atmosphere continues to permeate everything we do.

I hope you enjoy the website and if you'd like to visit the school, please contact the school office.
I look forward to welcoming you and your child to our school.

Mrs Nikki Scully

Head teacher


Click here to learn about our STAR Qualities

Click here to see what our VALUE for the term is!

Term dates and holidays

To see our terms dates and TD days for 2025-2026 please click here


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