Upper School PE day is Tuesday. Lower School PE day is Thursday. The children should wear their P.E. Kits to school on these days.
At Colebrook Junior School, we look at how we can prepare our young people for a world that will be very different to the one in which we have grown up.
In order to immerse the children in learning that is rich in context, memorable, relevant and challenging, we link our learning in each term to a learning question. Taking care to refer to the National Curriculum, we have made a commitment to innovation and creative thinking.
We encourage our learners to think collaboratively and ask questions about the world around them, to feel motivated to form their own opinions, or empowered to make decisions which will shape their future.
We seek to improve learning through cross curricular opportunities, challenge and enjoyment. We believe strongly that each hour of each day is an opportunity for a child to learn something new or master a skill. Learning is a process with a start point and from that any number of end points, depending on what a child is learning and what stage of learning they are at. Where learning is at its strongest, a child is either developing or mastering new knowledge. Our drive, as a school, is to identify, support and challenge children at all stages of their learning to maximise their individual potential.
The ‘basic’ school curriculum includes the ‘national curriculum’, as well as religious education and sex education.
The national curriculum is a set of subjects and standards used by primary schools so children learn the same things. It covers what subjects are taught and the standards children should reach in each subject. At Colebrook Junior School we work hard to ensure the curriculum is cross curricular, interesting, exciting and relevant ; and one that engages all learners.
We are Proud of our Curriculum. Click here to see why!
We have developed a Curriculum Guarantee. Click here to see a copy!
We also looked at how our Curriculum matched our School STAR Qualities. Click on our logo below to take a look!
We are Colebrook Curriculum Champions! Click here to see how we are Curriculum champions in each subject
Below, you will see links to the Lower and Upper Key Stage Phases. Clink on the links and this will take you to a phase page where you can discover the new Curriculum Mapping document which will show you the curriculum coverage in each phase of the Key Stage.
If you want to find out more about the National Curriculum, please follow the link by clicking here.
Please click here to see the Swindon agreed syllabus for R.E.
Please click here to see the Music Development plan
Keep checking this page to find out more about our curriculum. We will be continuing to make changes and adapt it to our local context and the needs of our pupils.
Lower Key Stage - Years 3 and 4
If you wish to find out more about our curriculum, please feel free to contact the school office for any further information or for any questions you may wish answered.